Stay Organized When Working From Home

More people are working from home than ever before. It certainly has its benefits, however, keeping work and home related matters separate has gotten more complicated. It’s important to stay organized on both fronts. Here are some tips for staying on top of it all:

  • Utilize Your Calendar: Scheduling time, including meetings, projects, personal time, and even downtime, is the best way to make the most of every day. Whether paper or digital, keeping it all on a calendar that is handy and optimally used is important. Digital calendars allow you to share with other family members and can help keep track of everyone’s schedules.

  • Create a Routine: We all do better with a routine in place. Look at your day and take notice of patterns, and do what you can to establish clear daily/weekly habits. Anything you can do on a regular, consistent basis will help create patterns to promote success.

  • Purge What You Can: Clutter can accumulate even faster when you're spending more time at home. Keep a donation bag/box handy. Need to take a 15 min break from work? Use that time to edit—when in doubt, toss it out!

  • Plan Ahead: Planning in advance will help you get through busy times more efficiently. Think about the coming months now. Summertime is around the corner, schedules will change, new activities are coming. Do do what you can to optimize your summer.

  • Chaos To Order Can Help: Our expert organizers can help with everything from getting the WFH office organized to complete move coordination. We organize of any room from attic to basement.  


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