Update and Organize your Closet
Now may be a good time to give your closets an overhaul. Weed thru, purge and organize, keeping only what you want and need. An organized space will make finding things easier and you'll appreciate the finished product!
Weed Out/Purge
If you didn't wear it last season, it's time to let it go. Go through each and every item. This will not only help to know where things are, it will also give a good mental inventory of what you currently have.
Like Items Together
Get T-shirts, pants, dresses, sweaters, etc...together. Having a place for every little thing, and a specific place to always return to is the key to keeping your closet optimally organized.
Hanger Harmony
Changing the hangers so they are all the same creates a much more organized looking closet. Also, eliminating unused hangers will help free up much needed space. Here's our favorite basic hanger.
Seasonal Storage
Not enough space? Consider removing off-season clothes if you're feeling too tight in the current space. Here are some tips for seasonal storage.
Structured Systems
If you really need an overhaul, it might be a good time to consider upgrading to a custom laminate system. Our friends at Closet Works would be happy to help!
Color Coordinate
For extra organization, try hanging clothes by color to find items even quicker. Here are more tips on organizing your clothes by color.