E-Learning Study Spot. Efficient & Productive

It's back to school season but certainly different than ever before. This year, most learning will take place at home. Is your home up to the task? Now is the time to get things organized so kids can get off to a good start.

Designate a Spot

Your student needs a place to call "school". Either somewhere in their bedroom or in a quiet place elsewhere in the house.  Having the desk in a place where distractions are limited will encourage e-learning success.

School Supplies

Keep a fresh stock of all necessary supplies. Pencils, markers, papers, trash can, etc. Feeling well-stocked and not having to sift through the house for sticky notes or a loose rubber band will save time and  energy for learning.

Organize Subjects

Age appropriately separate out different areas of learning. File folders, in-boxes, hanging files, shelving, etc... Any way you can sort out each subject so when class time begins it's easy to grab all materials necessary.

Sit Back

A good chair is a must. Just like an adult needs to be comfortable at work, your student needs comfort and support as well. Spending hours a day in an uncomfortable chair will inhibit learning. Invest in something that "fits" your student well. Get something they like and feel comfortable sitting in.

Let there be light

Finally, Good lighting is essential for good learning. Daylight is always best but could also be a distraction (and doesn't come in very handy in November). If you're in a dark and dingy space, the desire to flee is greater, especially for kids who are looking for any excuse to find something else to do. Make sure the study spot is well lit.

Get your child off to a great start this year and spend some time creating a productive and organized environment to promote the best e-learning possible. Of course, Chaos To Order is always here to help!





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