Celebrating 30 Year of Chaos To Order

Never did I imagine when I began organizing closets for a good friend back in 1990, that it would take me on this amazing journey now spanning 30 years. My best girlfriends gathered together and bought a typewriter (LOL) as a birthday gift on the 24th and on the 26th, I got straight to work creating Chaos To Order. I researched ideas at the library, made calls, sent press releases and from there on out made it my full-time job to let the world know how hiring the help of someone who loves to organize is a worthwhile investment, I was convinced it would work.Much is owed to good luck in timing and making connections that could spur me along. Not only did I make calls to people and places I felt would benefit from organizing services, but I also reached out to the media so they could help spread the word--and it worked! Entrepreneur Magazine and WBBM Radio Chicago both gave me opportunities within months after getting started.The incredible clients I've met along the way have certainly been the biggest blessing. From overcrowded hoarders to extreme neat freaks and everyone in between, Chaos To Order has found a way to tidy up and make the most out of every space. Learning the creative side of space-making and efficiency not only from so many interesting places, spaces and people, but also from the great ideas of both impeccably organized clients and savers of every little thing.I've had the pleasure of working with some amazing professional organizers on the Chaos To Order team through the years and learning so much from them. One being my super organized mom, Vicky who we dubbed, "queen of the closet", she was a spitfire and clients loved how she could always quickly whip them into shape. I've also had amazing office support through the years doing a job I never could have done on my own. The admin part was not my gift and thankfully I learned that early on.As a thank you to any clients who have used our services over these 30 years, we would like to offer you a 30% discount on your next appointment if you schedule before March 15th. Call the office at 847-825-8400 for details. Thank you again for 30 wonderful years of Chaos To Order!


Stuck Home? Time to Get Organized


Closet Chaos Brought To Order