Helping Bring Order to the Chaos after an Unexpected Crisis
Do you live far from aging parents? If something was to happen, how would you handle clearing out the home and sorting through all of the stuff? Far away, or even in the neighborhood, clearing out a family members home, after illness or death, can be a daunting process. We were recently given this task from a client in Hawaii.Mom lived in Chicago until one day she fell ill, was brought to the hospital, and then flew directly to Hawaii to be cared for by family. Going back to her condo to gather things, was not an option. The milk was still in the fridge, garbage waiting to be taken out...Chaos To Order came to the rescue.Our organizers, under the close direction of the client went through the entire condo, organizing and sorting each and every item. With the use of technology, email and texting photos, we sorted out what was to be sent out to the client, what was to be donated, and what was to be discarded. After all of the sorting was complete and every item was organized, we hired a hauling company to remove trash and unwanted furniture. The place was organized and sorted down to the very last detail. The movers were happy to have a buttoned up job that was ready to go, the client was thrilled he didn't have to fly out from Hawaii to Chicago (who can blame him :-0). Space organized, happy client--that's what Chaos To Order is all about!