Organization: It All Boils Down to Creating Good Habits
The rituals we go through each and every day inevitably become the habits we acquire. Getting organized requires creating and maintaining good habits to keep systems in place. For example, do you rush out of your office and leave it a mess? Creating a quick habit of cleaning off the surface can not only help you feel more organized, but it will also increase your productivity. Here are a few steps to follow when you're ready to make a change:
- Start Small: Change one habit at a time. Putting too much on your list will only sabotage your hopes of making it happen.
- Write it Down: Write down the good habit you plan to acquire. Even write it on a sticky note and put it up somewhere so you can see and be reminded.
- Be Accountable: Having an accountability partner always helps to ensure success. Schedule set times to check in and confirm your progress.
- Have Urge Defeating Strategies in Place: Try the "Only 2 Minute Rule". When you're rushing out of the office commit to spending 2 minutes on straightening up. You'll be amazed how much can get done with two minutes of clear, focused time.
- Give it 30 Days: Experts are firm in the fact that it takes at least 30 times of consciously repeating the task in order to even get started acquiring a habit.
- If You Stumble, Don't Quit: We all stumble from time to time. Use this as a time to go through the checklist again. This will help to ingrain the good habit even more!
"First we make our habits, then our habits make us." Charles C. Noble