It's Sweater Season

Fall is here, sweaters and coats should now be fully accessible. Do you know where your sweaters are? If you were in an organized mode last spring and put them away neatly, you'll enjoy taking them out, freshly folded and contained. If, however, you shoved them into a corner of the closet, this process may not be so fun—you may even need to make an extra visit to the cleaners. More to the cause of keeping good systems in order as you go. Our fastidious professional organizers are very busy this time of year weeding out the summer wardrobes and impeccably placing fall and winter clothes back into closets. As you're adding new items in for the winter season, give your existing wardrobe a once over. Go through what you have, weed out what's not used and when you shop build upon what you currently have. If your closet needs to bring some Chaos to Order, you can schedule an appointment or give Karen a call in the office at 847-825-8400.


Overwhelmed by Chaos? Just Get Started–Here's How...


Q: How Do I Organize Hanging Clothes by Color?