Organize your Garage!

Is your garage organized enough to head into the winter season? If not, take advantage of the neck weather to get things done before it's too late. According to a survey done by the U.S. Department of Energy, 25% of people with two-car garages don't park any cars in them, and 32% only have room for one car!The main complaint of our clients who call for help organizing their garage is the feeling of being overwhelmed and not knowing where to begin.Get Started: Start at one end of the garage going through each and every item and deciding if it's something to keep or get rid of. Have some big garbage bags ready, get some masking tape and label the bags: "Trash" and "Donate". The weeding out and eliminating of what you're not using can be the hardest part.Organize: Once you've done a thorough purge, break the garage into sections based on the contents. Some ideas might be: gardening, sports equipment, tools, car, etc... Start putting like things together based type. You may find, duplicates as items get grouped or more reasons to purge, so keep the trash/donation bags handy.Contain: Once you've got all the items in their proper section of the garage, it's time to decide what storage options are best. Do you need shelving? Maybe some slatwall or pegboard? How about plastic containers for storage? Be sure to make optimal use of vertical space. Since parking the car is the number one priority in the garage, you want to get all other storage necessities up onto the walls.  Once you have your storage options figured out you can put everything away, give the garage a good sweep and...your organized! Sounds easy right? Not always, this can be a huge project for many garages, but the steps are the same, so getting started and sticking with it can be the hardest part. Of course, the organizers at Chaos To Order can work wonders in your garage, if you need extra help, give us a call or schedule an appointment.


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