How To Quickly Spring Clean Your Desk

Clean Organized DeskGiving your desk a good once-over during spring cleaning season is a must. Many opt to overlook it because there are papers and piles, so it can seem to be too daunting of a task. Here’s a quick-fix to get your desk tidied up for spring. Focus: You can get easily sidetracked into other things while organizing. Unfinished tasks will pass through your hands–people to call, things to do, etc… You’ll have to plan ahead to focus on the organizing process.Set a timer: Don’t let time waste. Determine how much time you can designate to spring cleaning and carve it out. 30 minutes is a good chunk to get you started.Gather: Gather up all papers and miscellaneous items around. Remember the “handle it once rule”. If you can put it away quickly, get it where it belongs. If there is more decision making involved, put it in the pile. Make sure a trash/recycle bin is handy so you can easily get all junk mail and trash out promptly. Anything office supply related should go together, make a pile of items that belong in other rooms and then gather the miscellaneous.File: File any papers that you can. If your drawers are filled and it’s tight getting things put away, consider planning another time to weed out the file drawers and clear through the files.Put Away: Store office supplies together. Keep only a few of the items that you need handy. Pens, paper, etc… Items that are “extras” should be stored together in a closet or in a bin on a shelf.Wipe Clean: Bring the spring cleaning idea full circle by wiping down all surfaces with a terrific Healthy Home non-toxic cleaner.Enjoy: You’ll be surprised how much you will appreciate your freshly cleaned and organized space! 


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