5 Solutions to get your Tax Documents Organized

Hand searching through file folders with personal finance documentsAlong with all the planning ahead that the new year brings, it also requires the buttoning up of last year's finances and taxes. If you were organized, getting all documentation together for tax purposes shouldn't be a problem. If, however, you had a little chaos happening, gathering your tax documents might be a big chore. Here are some steps you can take to simplify the process:

  1. Start now. It's never too late to start getting organized. Organization is a constant process, so whenever you start, you're one step headed in the right direction.
  2. Establish good systems. Rather than tossing receipts and statements into a pile to deal with later, create a place/folder to toss them in as you go. It's also a good time to establish digital systems and snap photos or scan documents for digital storage.
  3. Don't forget donations. The clutter you eliminate in your home is worth a tax deduction. Read about maximizing donations with the It's Deductible App here.
  4. Stay current. If you don't need easy access to past tax documents, pack them up and move them out of prime space. Any tax documents, or any documents for that matter, that are only being saved for archive purposes don't need to be near your desk. Save that space for keeping current items handy and organized.
  5. Call in the pros. If you need help getting tax documents or other paperwork organized, our expert organizers at Chaos To Order can whip your papers and office space into shape. Give us a call at 847-208-2011 and schedule an appointment today!

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