Too Many Books? Tips to pare down your book collection

booksonshelfAre you a book collector? Do you love to read, and shutter at the thought of eliminating a favorite book from your collection? Books are wonderful. As long as you have the space and some system of order, there is no urgency to pare down your book collection. However, if your bookshelves are overflowing, stacks are being piled up on the floor and there are boxes accumulating in attic and basement storage space, then this post is for you! If your books are overwhelming you and you are feeling burdened by them, it's time to take action. First you need to determine what you want to hold on to versus what you can eliminate. Our expert organizers at Chaos To Order can coach you through this process to make what can be a daunting task a whole lot easier. We start by helping you determine how much you want to pare down by looking at the project mathematically. If you'd like to see 1/3 less books in your collection, then you need to think about getting rid of one out of every three books. We can also help you make the most of the space you have and get your books organized by type, size or even color.  We also have a wonderful resource in Sabra Books. Our friend Noah will pick up all of the books you plan to eliminate. Here are the guidelines in which he works:He will come to your house and pick up books for free if you have more than 150 books. Of course it needs to be worth his while to make the trip, so if you have a smaller collection, he will charge a reasonable pick up fee. Let him know approximately how many books you have and snap an image to give him a better idea. You don't even need to touch the books, he will pack them to minimize any damage. Sabra books is located in the Naperville area, but he does come into Chicago occasionally so send him an email at to schedule your book pick up.Consider going digital. I know most of you heavy readers prefer paper books, but a digital collection is a whole lot smaller and more organized. A good e-reader just might be the key to getting your collection up off the floor!Make use of the library. You never have to purchase the books and you can always go back and re-visit them. Libraries are a great resource and have access to most any book through the library systems.  


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