Friday Favorite: Storage Solutions for Print Photos

Archival Photo Storage BoxMost of the images we deal with are digital these days, but there are still lingering print images that clutter up corners and drawers. You know, those old family photos before the digital age, or the prints you had made but now don't know what to do with. What about those photos that have been waiting (and waiting) to be framed and displayed. Getting print photos in order isn't always on the top of the organizing projects list, but it should be! Photos bring your history to life, they help us remember moments that might otherwise be forgotten. They capture the people, things, places and moments of your life, they should be prioritized! Here are a few tips to get your prints organized:
  • Gather all the prints from any drawer or box around. Make sure to have everything in one place.
  • Organizing by month and year is best. To do so, start by creating a timeline on the floor so you can more easily see the sequence of events.
  • Once you’ve reached a sense of order, compile the prints making sure to label the back of each print. This way, you'll always know where they belong!
  • Store print images in archival photo boxes or scan and digitize for permanent storage.
  • Chaos To Order organizers can coach you through the process and help to archive your history!
Archival Photo Storage Box

Chaos To Order Keeps you Organized Beyond the Appointment


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