How To Organize Your Desk

Copy of WGN BeforeToday is National Clean Off Your Desk Day, the perfect day to carve out time to bring the chaos to order at your desk.I hope you cannot relate to the messy desk image, but this can happen if you don't periodically take the time to do a sweeping clean-out. You may think that the piles on your desk are no big deal and you “know where everything is”. Papers multiply quickly, and the truth is, you will be more efficient if you organize. Here are a few things you can do in small blocks of time that will have an impact:

  • Keep the recycle bin, trash can and shredder handy. Being able to toss things quickly into the trash will keep them from landing on the desktop and forming into piles. Do I need to add that the McDonald's bags in the photo should be tossed quickly? :-|
  • Digitize. Invest in a good scanner, (we use Fujitsu when we scan for clients). It's often easier to access documents digitally and certainly helps eliminate paper piles. Added bonus, if you scan to the cloud, you'll be able to access the documents from anywhere.
    • Have good systems in place to process papers. Having files for bills and current projects is essential to finding things quickly and working efficiently at your desk. Purchase our Be Organized Box (49.95) to receive our recommended chronological filing system.

    Copy of WGN After2

  • Minimize supply storage. Office supplies can accumulate quickly at your desk. Keep extras in a separate bin or closet.
  • Carve out time. Organizing your desk is not complicated, but prioritizing your schedule and carving out the time can be the hardest part. It's a wise time investment. Find 30 minutes today and get started!

Remember, your desk is a work surface not a storage area. Organize today in celebration of National Clean Off Your Desk Day!


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