Do You Have Shipping Box Clutter?

Shipping BoxesAre you an online shopper? Do you happen to hang on to shipping boxes for items you may need to ship in the future? At Chaos To Order, we have seen a surge in the amount of empty shipping boxes people are hanging on to. Every time a package is received, they toss the empty box in the corner (rather than the recycle bin) and the boxes begin to multiply. You must consider the storage space you have before deciding to save every shipping box for future use. Many people don't realize how a few empty shipping boxes can quickly multiply and take over storage space. Hang on to only what you realistically think will be used and no more. It also helps, from time to time, to evaluate the space, and see if the stash has grown too much. If you regularly receive packages and also ship things, make time to periodically look through the boxes and eliminate what you don't think you'll be using in the near future. Keeping a shelf or two available in a storage or gift wrapping area is a good choice. If you don't have that kind of space to spare, you may have to re-think how many shipping boxes are being kept. After all, it may not be worth the cost of the real estate in your home to have empty used shipping boxes taking it over :-/


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