Hosting the Holidays? 5 Tips to Keep you Organized (and sane)

3340If you're hosting the holiday or entertaining during the season, you have even more of a reason to need organization. Here are a few useful tips:Don't Try New Recipes: Trying a brand new recipe when your hosting will add stress to the mix. Stick with tried and true recipes and take some of the pressure off.Organize Where You'll Be: You don't need to be color coding the clothes in your closet in anticipation of the gathering. Get the rooms your guests will be in looking great, and save the rest for later.Cook Ahead: Find recipes that you can make in advance. Freeze ahead and keep the foods simple. Make sure the freezer has been whittled down to make room for the incoming.Stock Up: Better to fill up than to have to run out for refills. You can always use the extras or return if necessary. Not being sure if you have enough will add to the stress.Take It Easy: Take the pressure off, nobody will be checking that your spices are alphabetized. Focus on the reason for the season and enjoy this special time with family and friends.Of course, if you need help getting organized for the holidays, whether it's setting out Christmas decorations, or clearing through the toy closet in anticipation of all the goodies Santa will bring, Chaos To Order is always here to help!  


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