How To Keep Toys Organized

kids-organize-playroomToys are a never ending organizational struggle. When my kids were little we had a terrific organized toy room with shelving and containers galore. Everything was perfectly placed, my kids were pretty well trained at putting things back into the appropriate boxes, but were also capable of leaving a good mess until I nagged them to clean it up (not much has changed). The big problem was when a new friend would come over and want to empty every tidy container--ugh!  Or what about the cleaning lady that would come in and put everything into the wrong box, that would only make the mess bigger. When you go to look for a Barbie toy and it's mixed in with the Playmobile toys--total frustration! Here are some solutions to keeping toy chaos in check.

  • Frequently eliminate. Toys wear out fast. Whether they're actually worn out or if your child has just grown tired of playing with it (or has never been thrilled by it) make sure you weekly or monthly (depending on useage) whittle down the toy piles.
  • Rotate. Don't keep all toys together. Especially with small children. Keep a good amount out of sight and rotate them as needed. For little ones, this is like getting new toys--not to mention it will save space and also save that new kid or cleaning lady from messing them all up.
  • Proper Storage. Having the right containers and storage systems makes a big difference not only in maintaining organization, but also in keeping your kids knowing and interested in what they have. Here are a few examples of some great toy storage solutions:

206321226648967405_tFn6eE13_bThese file boxes work great for toy storage. Clear plastic boxes come in so many different sizes which makes them an optimal storage solution. Once you organize like things together, determine what size box you need and purchase them as a reward for your organizing accomplishments.IMG_3139Here's a great idea for Playmobile, Lego and other small toy storage. The pull out shelving allows you to keep the toy groupings assembled and on display--brilliant!

  • Custom built-ins or furniture pieces that fit within the space you have is a great way to maximize every inch. It may be more costly, but the benefit of storage and organization combined may be worth it. Copy of toys_after



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