Get Organized & Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

LandfillUS News reports that Americans are throwing out twice as much trash as the federal government had estimated. Americans toss 5 pounds of trash per day--wow!  People...this closely relates to the organization/consumerism problem we have. We need to get organized because we have too darn much stuff. The cost of household goods has not risen equally with inflation and it's now a trend to buy more–on the cheap. I love the way Story of Stuff explains the way this all works. See the video below.  When you're organized, knowing what you have, you purchase less and therefore toss less. Give a second thought before making a purchase. Think about these three things:1.Do you already have it? Clean your closet before clothes shopping, clean your pantry before grocery shopping. Know what you have before buying duplicates.2. Do you really need it? It's easy to find lots of great things when you're out looking for it. Maybe you can take on a different hobby.3.Are you buying it because you can't beat the price? Just because it's on sale doesn't mean you have to have it.We can all do our part to reduce our carbon footprint, and getting organized is a great way to start the process!


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