Friday Favorite: All Access Storage Bins

Rubbermaid All-Access ContainersWhen it comes to storage, having the proper containers is key. Knowing exactly what you're storing and exactly where it's going makes all the difference in finding the perfect fit. Don't just grab any container, always consider what you're storing, the size, how it will fit in the space, color, design, and what kind of access you'll need. This is why it's so important to be selective when purchasing. I always recommend that you get through the organizing before randomly buying containers. Make your purchase a reward for getting through the tough task of purging the excess. Once you've whittled down what's not needed, you have a much clearer idea of how to contain what remains.  Rubbermaid All Access ContainersThese All Access containers from Rubbermaid are great not only for containing and stacking, but also for easy access. Although they look like typical 4-sided containers, the front panel flips open. They are great for kid's rooms, toys, crafts and all kinds of storage in the home, office or garage. I like the photo of the blue boxes, but we like to suggest the clear boxes to our clients so they will be more neutral over time.


Monday Motivation: Get Your To-Do List Organized


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