Cherish Memories Not Things

Cherish Memories Not ThingsAre you holding on to things out of guilt? Do you save items because you're worried someone will find out that you let it go? Don't get weighed down by stuff; keep in your home only what you need and love. So often we meet with clients who have houses filled with things other people cherished and they are drowning in the guilt of letting go. If it's not meaningful to you (even if you really loved the person who gave it to you) you don't have to let it weigh you down for years to come.As the quote says, cherish memories, not things. Do you trip over grandmother's rocking chair every time you try to get to that corner in the basement? If it's taking up space in a storage area, maybe it's time to reconsider why you are holding on to it. If it's something you plan to have repaired  or refurbished so it will look good in your space, that's ok, but get that repair scheduled--even if you're doing it yourself. Get a date on the calendar to work on it and also add a deadline date. If it's not done by that date, maybe you need to reconsider keeping it.Remember, clutter is the piling up of things you haven't yet dealt with. Every item that you make a decision about, is one less piece of clutter you'll have to deal with.


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