Friday Favorite: Check Out Our Updated Website!

Chaos To Order WebsiteWe're excited to announce some recent updates and changes to the website! We've added even more resources to help you find more information on getting organized. Under each of the services we provide, you will now find blog posts that relate to that service along with articles that we have been featured in on that specific topic, including Home Organizing, Office Organizing, Unpacking etc... In addition, you will find quotes from our raving fans who have experienced that service. Not sure about exactly what we do? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions section. If your question isn't answered, you can now submit your own. Hopefully you will find the Chaos To Order website a great resource in helping you to get and stay organized. We would love to hear your feedback! Feel free to send an email to


It's National Sunglasses Day. How Organized Are Your Sunglasses?


Are You Organized And Ready For Summer?