Friday Favorite: Zcan Scanner

Zcan ScannerHere's a gadget that can help keep you organized and add to productivity. The Zcan scanner is a portable mouse that scans! Simply press a button and swipe the mouse over exactly what you want scanned. If you don't want the whole page, scan only what you need. The Zcan software loads your digital image in different formats and you pick what you want. Save it as a photo, word document, excel or other formats, from there you can direct edit and make changes to the document! You can even scan a foreign language and it will translate it–how cool is that! There are many ways this scanner can help you stay organized. Whether you have a stack of documents that need scanning, a photo you want in your digital library, or a recipe to keep handy, the Zcan scanner is a great solution! Check out this video to learn more:


Friday Favorite: Limited Time $299 Organizing Offer


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