It's #WorldBookDay What Is The Condition Of Your Collection?

Source: Bookshelfporn.comWhy not take a little time out today on World Book Day to consider the condition of your collection. If you're a reader, chances are your also a book collector. Books hold great memories of the journey you were on during the read. Sometimes, when you're collection begins to overwhelm you, you need to pare down. Editing a book collection can be a painful process. Here are some suggestions for keeping your books organized:Weed out regularly: Once per year, (world book day would be a great day to set on your calendar) glance through your collection to obtain a mental inventory of all your books.Like with like: If your collection is large, it gets hard to find what you need when you need it. This is why libraries are organized methodically. You can start by sorting books by type. Maybe you have business books and novels read for pleasure. Keep them on separate shelves. Your shelves may look great with books organized by size or color, but it can be hard to know where to find it--especially if you don't remember what it looks like!Don't overstuff: If books are crammed in your shelves, it can not only look cluttered, it's hard to get them back in properly. If you're stacking and cramming books into the bookshelf, maybe it's time to expand storage options.Hand them down: Have you recently read a great book? Don't let it sit collecting dust and creating clutter on your shelf, share it with someone! Pass your books around. Once you've experienced the story or information from the book, let someone else enjoy it.Go digital: This can be difficult for the hard-core book lover, but the world is going digital and so are books. Keeping your reads on a digital device will no doubt help to keep your bookshelves organized!Use the library: The library has all the benefits of the tactile book as well as many digital options, the big benefit is you don't have to buy them and you give them back. As an organizer, we love to encourage readers to make full use of their local library. Letting the library house your collection will definitely help to keep you organized!   


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