Friday Favorite: Google+ Stories

Most of us use Google as a search engine and for Google Docs and Gmail, but there are so many other Google perks. Earlier this week I learned of a tool in Google+ Photos called stories. After coming home from a vacation it's so fun to show family and friends your adventures, but often they are a cluttered assortment of photos and videos held on several different devices. Now you can upload them all to your Google+ account (which is also a great way to keep them saved) and the story will be created automatically! Places visited will show on a cool map, videos and photos will all be pulled together by date and place to create a beautiful story that you don't even have to organize or arrange, it's all automatic! Now if only they could unpack and get all that laundry done automatically! Read more about Stories on Google+ and check out my recent story:


Bring Out The Spring In Your Closet


The First Step of any Renovation Project Should Be Getting the Existing Space Organized