10 Ways to Make Your Move More Organized

Moving Boxes Waiting on CounterMoving is a daunting task. It's considered one of the most stressful events we endure next to sickness and death of loved ones. So  what can we do to alleviate the chaos? Here are some suggestions:Create a Plan: Once you know your moving day, put together a list of all the tasks that need to get done. Everything from calling moving companies and utilities to packing up. Making detailed lists of everything you need to do (or delegate) will help take it out of your head and into the plan.Schedule Time: List the steps and how long you expect each to take, then double it. If nothing else, it will buy you some margin for some of the unexpected obstacles that will arise. Carve out time on your calendar and start sooner rather than later.Eliminate All You Can: Moving is the best time to get organized because you're forced to go through everything you have and make decisions about what to keep and what to save. Take advantage of this time to thoroughly evaluate your belongings, consider simplifying and paring down, especially if you're down-sizing. We often tell our clients it's a good idea to live in your space as if you'd be moving next month. If you wouldn't pack it up to bring it along, let it go now.Get Organized Now: Don't wait until you're in the new place to get organized. Having everything organized before you go will make the arrival so much easier. Put like things together and create efficient systems, they will transfer over easily.Arrange for Donation Pick-Up: Donation pick ups need to be scheduled in advance, it's not something to think about the week of your move. You may want to schedule a day several weeks before as a motivator to get things out, then another pick-up right the day before or after moving day. Check out local donation options here.Chaos To Order Moving TipsProperly Pack: The packing process can make or break how the unpacking goes on the receiving end. Having closets, cabinets, drawers and storage areas organized before the move will make a huge difference in stress levels. Moving companies will take a drawer and dump it onto packing paper and wrap it up, so if you're drawer is a mess, that mess will follow you to your new place. Plan to organize before it gets packed up, you will appreciate it immensely on moving day!Label Everything: We organizers love to label, and moving is no exception! Clearly labeling every box with its location will make the job of movers much easier. Also label the door of every room so there is not confusion over which bedroom is where.Make A Floor Plan: In addition to a large label on the door of each room, create a simple floor plan of where the furniture goes. This will free up your time in directing movers. They love to know exactly where things go without having to ask each time they pass through. A simple sketch will suffice.Pack Kitchen Boxes Last: The kitchen is a priority to unpack and takes the most time. Have your movers load kitchen boxes on the truck last so they can be first off and the unpacking and organizing process can begin right away.Call The Pro's: Chaos To Order has been helping people unpack and organize for 20+ years. We know how to get you settled quickly. If you need a hand, schedule an appointment today.     


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