New Year New Files
So we are sitting here in the Chaos To Order office looking at our own files...we are the organizers and they are supposed to be organized right? I look over at the file that our terrific office manager Karen is fixing. She happens to be the organizer of our team of organizers. To my chagrin, she is taping the bottom of an old and extremely tattered file so it won't fall apart as she continues to use it--ARE YOU KIDDING ME! We preach to people about how their files need to be in good working order and systems need to be in place for optimal organization. Karen is methodically organized, there is never a scrap of paper left on her desk at the end of the day, she is a master at keeping the schedules of everyone here organized.
Did it slip through the cracks? Did I forget to mention that from time to time paper file folders wear out? Let it be known to all that it is a good idea to go through your files and replace heavily used folders from time to time, and the start of a new year might be a great time to do so. After all, if you file chronologically, you'll need to make new folders for 2015 anyway. The best replacement is a 1/3 cut reinforced manilla folder. It's the type we always suggest to clients and what we use here in the Chaos To Order office--when we use them LOL.