How Chaos To Order Would Have Organized Hoda's Closet Differently

Hoda Kotb's Closet from The Today ShowHoda Kotb had her closet made over this morning on the Today Show and I thought it was important to share my perspective and how Chaos To Order would do it differently.1. We would never tell someone that 70% of the stuff in their closet has to go. Don't get me wrong--we want to encourage every client to eliminate all they can, and I'm sure this was the goal. But to expect that 70% or more will go is completely unrealistic and could scare someone from even getting started.  I've done this for 20+ years and have never seen someone remove more than half of what they have and that was a feat.2. It was suggested that Hoda put clothes into 3 piles. The first pile was "Keep". You don't need to put clothes you want to keep into a pile--just keep them on the hanger! There's absolutely no need to remove the clothes you want to keep, put them into a pile and then place them back into the closet. Hoda was not remodeling, nor did they tear out the existing rod, so they could have saved time and energy by keeping the clothes she wanted right in the closet.3. The second suggestion was to have a "Toss" pile. Who tosses clothes in the garbage? Any clothes that are eliminated should, at the very least be donated (which is part of the third pile). There is no need for a toss pile. I'm sure theres a garbage can nearby for the random gum wrapper or tissue, but no clothes are getting tossed--especially from Hoda's closet!4. The third pile was called "donate/consign/try to sell" that could really be three more piles! Yes there should be a donate pile, and it's great to suggest consigning or trying to sell. Most people do one or the other, not both. Having a "try to sell" pile is only going to encourage a pile of clutter. Either they should photograph and post items while they're going through it, or get them to a place that will do it for you. Leaving them in a pile with no clear plan in place is only going to leave a cluttered pile in the corner.I know this sounds a like a rant, but I believe it will help our readers to see more clearly what always makes Chaos To Order the best solution for any organizing project.    


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