5 Ways to Make 2015 Your Most Organized Year Yet

Organized Living RoomDon’t be afraid to let things go. Donate what you can and take the tax deduction. If you’re not going to use it, get it into the hands of someone who will. The effort of trying to sell it or save it for someone else is not always worth the hassle of holding onto it.Acquire Less
The less time you spend in want the better. If shopping is your hobby, find a new one. Getting organized will help give you a better inventory of what you already have.Take the Time
Organization takes discipline. Carve out time in your schedule to keep things in order; it will be worth it in the long run.
Go Digital
As we begin to rely more on technology, we need less paper. Consider digitizing what you can. It can be as simple as taking a photo with your phone.Don’t Give Up
When you look at the big picture, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Break the project into smaller parts and if you get stuck, schedule an organizing session!

6 Ways to Stay Organized when Working from Home


Time to Un-decorate