Tips to Avoid Container Clutter

If you like shopping at stores like The Container Store more than you like organizing, you might end up with a serious case of container clutter. Many people who have organizing projects looming will purchase all of the containers and accessories they need first. You see, the shopping is the fun part for them and picking out and buying the containers is easy. So they pick out pretty, decorative containers in different shapes and sizes and bring them all home--but the organizing gets put off. The containers then end up in some dark corner of the house and wait and wait. Sometimes the organizing gets done, but often many of the containers don't work in the space and a return trip is necessary, where more containers may get purchased and added to the mix! This is the reason it's important to organize before you shop. If you have a closet that's in need of organization, you may find that so many items end up in the outbox that you don't need all of those containers. A space looks much better when it's not packed so full. The purging process is the most important first step in any organizing project. My suggestion would be to weed out and eliminate what you can from the space, put things back and once everything has a place, take measurements and head to the store. If you like to shop, get the organizing out of the way and let the container purchase be your reward for a job well done!


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