Friday Favorite: Binder Clips and Cabledrops to Keep Cords Organized

Binder Clip for CordsDo you have cord clutter? Do cords fall behind your desk or counter leaving you searching? Try this trick... Squeeze the prongs of a binder clip to remove and insert your cord through the center of each. Attach them back to the clip and attach the clip to the counter. It has to be a relatively skinny counter to accommodate the binder clip.Cabledrop cord organizerIf your counter is too thick to accommodate a binder clip, Cabledrops (below) are another great solution. You can purchase them on Amazon.These are great ways to keep the cords you use frequently organized and handy. Simple little tricks like this can help keep you organized and saving time and frustration!


This Week is National Organize Your Files Week


Do you want to feel more organized on vacation? Use an app to help you pack!