Today is National Clean Off Your Desk Day

Today is National Clean Off Your Desk Day. It's a perfect opportunity to take a little slice of your day and focus on the space at the top of your desk. You may think that the paper piles are no big deal and you "know where everything is", but the truth is, you will be more efficient if you take a bit of time to organize. Here are a few quick things you can do that can have an impact:

  • Keep the recycle bin, trash can and shredder handy. Being able to toss things quickly into the trash will keep them from landing on the desk and adding to the clutter.

  • Minimize office supply storage. Office supplies can accumulate quickly. Keep extras in a separate bin or closet away from easy reach and only refill once the current supply runs out.

  • Have good systems in place to process mail and bills. Paying bills electronically and keeping files for any necessary paperwork is essential to finding things quickly and working efficiently at your desk.

Remember, your desk is a work surface not a storage area. Take some time to organize in celebration of National Clean Off Your Desk Day!


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