Here's a "One Word" Way to Get Your New Year's Resolution to Stick


Have you tried to make resolutions in the past and failed? We've all attempted to start the year off right with big goals, only to get caught in the frenzy of life and loose track of them. I like the advice that motivational speaker Jon Gordon gives in his book One Word That Will Change Your Life. This morning on the Today Show, he suggested we simplify the New Year's resolution and pick only one word to focus on for the entire year. He says, "9 of 10 people will fail with their resolutions. 1/2 will fail by end of January. So we should pick one word instead and let it inspire you all year."  Your chances of sticking with a resolution when it's only one word will greatly improve the statistics.

I've been focusing on one word each year for the past few years and it really does help to keep my mind focused. Place the word around you, add it to your phone or computer screen saver, frame it, draw a painting of it or whatever you can to help you keep it present.

My 2014 word is "gratitude". I want to grow deeper in focusing on all the blessings in my life. I plan to keep my word nearby and regularly write in a gratitude journal–there's even an App for that!

I'm hoping that some of you reading this are choosing the word "organize" as your one word for 2014. If that's your word, I hope to get to know you here on the blog as well as with the daily tips on Facebook and Twitter. There are some exciting things ahead this year, new ideas, tips and innovations. Hopefully they will help motivate you to live more organized. Wishing you a happy, healthy and organized 2014!


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