Friday Favorite: Habit List App

Habit List appHow are your New Year's Resolutions coming along? I have to admit that it has not been easy for me to remember mine daily, so of course I found an app for that! If you are trying to create a new habit, eradicate a bad one, or just want to get in the groove of doing something a bit more consistently, the Habit List App is a great solution. It's a very simple app to get you in the routine of doing something.I chose the word "Gratitude" as my "One Word" New Year resolution. I want to be intentional every day about gratitude and be intentional about what I am thankful for. The only problem is–I forget about it! Sure, you can easily set a reminder on your phone each day to remind you do it, that was my first step and it did help. As I thought about how the reminder helped me remember, I did some searching and came across this app which is even better than reminders.Good habits are worth being fanatical aboutIf you are trying to remember to carve out time to pay bills twice a month, it can remind you sporadically. It also tracks your progress. If you want to tackle a big organizing project, you can have it remind you and even encourage you along the way. It also allows you to skip when you're on vacation or taking a break for some reason, you can even view your trends so you can see when you're more likely to complete the task.

It's great for anything you want to incorporate into your day. Organizing–make sure your desk is clear at the end of the day. Closet–have it remind you regularly to weed through and organize. Whatever you want to gain consistency on, this will help keep you accountable. There is also a similar free app called Good Habits. It doesn't have all of the flexibility of Habit List, but it will do the job to help keep you on track.


Organizing on The Steve Harvey Show


When you Have Errands To Run, Do Keep The Junk In Your Trunk