Are you Ruthlessly Efficient?

I couldn't help but take notice during the 60 Minutes interview with Alabama head football coach Nick Saben. It was a very inspiring segment on how his laser vision for success works. Following the program was a behind-the-scenes interview where they channeled in on his time management skills. 60 Minutes correspondent Armen Keteyian describes him in this way:

"Watching how he works and the way his day is structured and the systematic removal of clutter from his life. He's ruthlessly efficient the way he goes through his day..."

This just got me thinking about how that tunnel vision can lead to success. What is it that you can do to up the efficiency ante in your own life? What can we learn from Coach Saben and his high level of organization? It appears to be a winning recipe. Here's the Behind-the-scenes link and the segment that aired below:


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