Friday Favorite: Ikea Knife Holder for Great Vertical Wall Storage
Good organizational systems must be flexible and easy to maintain. This magnetic strip knife holder from Ikea is a great example of an organizational tool that can be used creatively for much more than just knives. Here are a few examples:In a work room or garage, use the knife holders for paint brushes and tools. Even the soup cans are great for holding smaller pieces.
There is usually plenty of available wall space in a toy room, it's the floor and shelving that are at a premium. Use the knife strip to add decor to the room with matchbox cars. It will not only be a very handy place to store the cars, it will look good too!
In the office or craft room, keep a knife strip close by to keep scissors and other items handy–it will not only save space in the drawers, it will keep them at arm's reach.
In the bathroom, it can be handy for clippers, scissors, pins, etc...
Where can you use a magnetic knife strip and what can you keep organized with it?