Friday Favorite: Martha Stewart Pockets for Back To School

s0453932_sc7When kids head back to school, it's the perfect time to get your own life organized. The kids start a routine and the calendar fills up—organization and time management become crucial. Here's an item from Martha Stewart's line at Staples that can help keep all the school papers organized and off the counter. These Large Shagreen Double Pockets are great for keeping important school papers contained. They come with push pins so you can hang them on a bulletin board or attach them to a wall. You also may want to secure them even more with tack nails they are great to have around for hanging light things on walls. Consider hanging these wall pockets near the entry your kids use. Have them put important papers in them when they return from school. Remember, they are not a dumping ground, they are simply to be used to house current papers :-) You can get them right now for 40% off at Stapless0453938_sc7


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