5 Tips to Help You Get Organized in 2013

Does your New Year's resolution involve getting organized? Make 2013 the year that you commit to  organize. Here are 5 tips to help get you started: 

  1. Structure your Day. When time is unstructured, it can leave you feeling scattered and unaccomplished. Start each day with a clear plan. List what you need and prioritize.
  2. Create Habits Small habits can have huge benefits in maintaining order. Here are some creative ways to get a new habit to stick.
  3. Do Less. Creating a tight schedule without time to re-group will set you up for failure. Plan ahead for distractions.
  4. Be Charitable Donate.Your clutter can be useful to someone else. Regularly asses what you have and weed out the excess. (The tax deduction is a bonus).
  5. Create A Place  If you have 15 minutes to straighten up, but don't know where to put things, that’s 15 minutes wasted. Have a place for everything, invest in furniture and containers to maintain order. 

Organization doesn't just happen, it’s a constant process. Commit to making 2013 your most organized year yet!


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