Chaos Sale Success!

Last Friday we had our first ever "Chaos Sale" and I'm happy to report, it was a success! Having made it through the first "tester" sale, we learned a few things and have decided to run it annually on the first Friday in October. you accumulate items throughout the year, carve out a corner of a closet and periodically add to it. To avoid being overwhelmed before the sale, keep some Scotch Blue Painter's Tape to initial your items, and  Avery Garage Sale Tags handy so items can be priced as you add them. This way, when the sale rolls around, your'e ready to go and you can either give your items to your Chaos To Order organizer or make arrangements to drop them off and we will sell them for you.

At Chaos To Order we believe that getting organized is about more than just having our organizer show up at your door and help you with your organizing projects, it's about being full service. We want you to know that our goal is to help keep you organized in any way we can, that's why we are adding to our services like selling items on eBay, holding the "Chaos Sale" and constantly searching for innovative and creative ways of keeping you organized. If you are struggling with any organizing obstacles, we want to know and are always here to help!


How to Organize Your Refrigerator


Friday Favorite: The Perfect Sticky Note for iPhone