Web Wednesday: Brightnest.com

Being organized means staying on top of all of the nagging home maintenance projects that are required as a homeowner. There once was a day when we would remember those mundane tasks like when the air filters had to be replaced or when the dryer vents needed to be cleaned. The business of life can get in the way of making sure these projects get done and often it's not until something breaks that we realize simple maintenance would have been a much better option than the calamity of the mechanical breakdown. Brighnest is an app that can help you keep track of the never ending home maintenance jobs. You can add all the members of your household and assign tasks to them (sometimes an electronic nudge works better than a verbal nag). There's even an area where you can store important items like paint colors, user manuals, customized tips and ideas etc... The setup of the app is interesting because it gathers all of the information it needs on your home and then, knowing that, it sets you up with a typical maintenance schedule. Of course you can also add your own tasks (I added repeating kids chores to my list).  Check out Brightnest.com and keep your home humming!


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