Website Wednesday: UPacking List App

Whether your heading off on vacation, going on a business trip or sending kids off to college, here is an app that makes the dreaded job of packing a bit easier. As much as I love to organize, packing is always something I procrastinate. Having to plan all that's needed on a trip for any weather or circumstance is difficult enough, then trying to minimize into the smallest bag possible is another conundrum. Remember when we could throw everything but the kitchen sink into a suitcase and drag it all along? Those days are long over, and it's probably a good thing, afterall, how much do we REALLY need?

What's great about the UPacking List from NIX Solutions is that as you think of items that you will need to bring, you can add them at any time from your phone or iPad. You can save lists for future travel and create many different categories with colorful icons attached. There are also about 300 items on the list to help trigger your brain to remember everything that might come along. The app is for iPhone, iPad and Android and I have found it very helpful for all sorts of packing needs. Some even use this app for packing up prior to an entire move. Another great use is if you frequently travel to a lake house or vacation spot, you can save your list of items you regularly pack and default to this list and refine it each time you return. Check out the UPacking List and make your next packing job a whole lot easier!


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