My Family Photo Ritual

Today is my daughter Alissa's 9th birthday, so on this day, I thought I'd share a gift I give my kids on their birthdays so they will remember the past year. I make an annual digital photo album for each of them. The album goes from birthday to birthday and highlights all the adventures of the year. I use to make the books. I love the new Custom Path option because it allows you to create a unique custom scrapbook and it's easy. The only thing that's required is taking the time to sit with it and follow along. I think the biggest stumbling block for people is picking which photos to use in the book, that is, if you are taking photos, if not, maybe this will inspire you to start! You can always get the pictures in order or create a book, but there's only one chance to take a picture of a particular event.  Once the photos are uploaded into your computer, just drag the favorites from the year into a new album. Edit and crop your pictures, then go to the website and upload them. If you want some help making your own album, our organizers are happy to assist you. Here's what Alissa's 8th year looks like: 


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