Makeup Makeover

The average woman uses 12 beauty products daily. So if you're using those 12 products, how many others do you possess that you're NOT using? It can be a daunting task to give your makeup drawers a make-over, but it can reap many rewards: everything from eliminating bacteria ridden products to finding that one you've been searching for–not to mention the good feeling of pulling open that organized drawer with everything you use right at your fingertips. Here are some tips to getting started:

  • Keep a closed container for extras. When you buy duplicate products, don't mix them in with what you're currently using, wait until the toothpaste runs out completely, then grab another. Who needs 5 versions of the same item cluttering up the drawer?
  • Know the shelf life of your makeup. Unopened makeup can last long, but products that are constantly touching your face (especially the eyes) need to be replaced frequently. Here is a complete list of how long to keep makeup. 
  • When you purchase a new product, use a dot label to put the date on it. Then you will know when it's time to toss it.


  • Do you have 20 tubes of the same brand of lipstick? Are you wasting time sifting thru them every morning to find the one you want? Match them as best you can with a nail polish and brush a dab of it on the top of the lipstick tube so you'll now the color quickly.
  • Organize with the right products. There are all kinds of drawer organizers and dividers you can put your makeup in, don't go out and purchase any of them until you've purged your products. Only when you know what remains will you know what will contain them best.

Of course if clearing the cabinets is something you'd love to have done, but don't have the time or don't know where to begin, the professional organizers of Chaos To Order are always happy to help!




Spring Cleaning "Don't Forget" List

