5 Ways to Maximize Space in a Self Storage Unit

Storage units can quickly become disorganized and chaotic. The large unit you thought would sufficiently store all of your items can easily become overcrowded. If you’re not careful, your unit can become filled to the brim with disordered heaps. Here are five ways you can maximize the use of your storage unit.

  1. Place all large items along the walls of the unit. This will allow for an adequate amount of space in the center of the unit for your smaller possessions.
  2.  If you are storing bookcases, dressers, or armoires, make use of them. You can put knick-knacks, vases, books, DVDs etc... in/on bookcases, and put clothes in a dresser or armoire. This will create more floor space for other items.
  3. Stack boxes strategically. The largest boxes should be on the bottom of the stack, and the smallest should be on the top. This may seem like common sense, but boxes are often stacked ineffectively in storage units. It’s important to focus on organization and determine what system  works best.
  4. Create small paths for you to access everything you need. You want to be able to easily get  whatever you need in your unit. So, make sure you allot enough room to do so.
  5. Remember that your storage unit isn’t necessarily where you should store everything that can’t fit in your house. Self-storage should not be an alternative to throwing out or donating your unused items. A storage unit should only house what you know you’re going to use in the near future.

About the Author: Tim Eyre helps customers care for their cherished belongings that must be put in storage. Tim’s facilities include the self storage facility in Houston  and Spring self storage facility


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