Website Wednesday:

Do you cringe at the amount of catalogs and printed material you receive in the mail every day? If you sign up to receive a catalog from one company, often you are put on a list and suddenly you're getting every catalog printed! Here's a great website to help you take charge of what catalogs to wish to receive. will contact the companies for you and let's you click on what catalogs you want and which ones you want to stop receiving--including duplicates. For most larger catalog companies you tell CatalogChoice your address and customer ID (listed on the catalog) and they will contact the company on your behalf. Some catalog companies require you to email them directly. Catalog Choice even gives you a temporary email address to route your email so the company doesn't get ahold of your email address and send you spam later. Check out  if you want to lighten the catalog load you receive.


Friday Favorite: Overdoor Valet Rod


Friday Favorite: Toilet Paper Holders for Wrapping Paper