Website Wednesday:

Pinterest is a social bookmarking tool.  When you are searching for something online and you come across an inspirational picture, recipe or place to travel, etc. and you want to save that image, you can "pin it" to one of your Pinterest Boards.  You can create as many boards as you like from books worth reading to organizing ideas.  The possibilities of boards are endless.
You can follow other pinners, share their content, make comments and tag users.  From an organizational standpoint, it is like tearing a page out of a magazine of something you want to try and rather than keeping the entire magazine you save the page and file it but now you have ONE location to save the page.  It is easy to retrieve and share via Facebook, Twitter or even refer to on your smart phone with the Pinterest App.
Be warned, like other social networking sites, it can be addicting!

This post was written by our fabulous organizer Lara Miller who introduced me to pinterest. I LOVE to use Pinterest to search for organizing ideas. I will be sharing them on this Blog as well as Facebook & Twitter. Check out my pins at


Friday Favorite: Project Organizer


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