Karen's Friday Favorite: Card Keeper

Last night we had our staff meeting/holiday gathering. We played a grab bag game where everyone received an interesting organizing gadget. Karen, our office manager, came to work this morning with before and after photos of her gift in use. You see, Karen is one of those people who never understood why so many of us find such pleasure in getting organized. She's a pro at organizing our team of organizers and slowly (over the past 7 years working at Chaos To Order) we have shown her the pleasure that the right organizational tools can bring. She now comes to work with stories about her weekend organizing projects. Last night during the grab bag she was very happy to receive the Card Keeper--and I see why. Here is a photo of how she had been storing her cards: So you can see that her greeting card department needed some help. Apparently she was pretty excited about her gift because she went home and went straight to work organizing--you gotta love that! Her cards went from chaos to order into the Card Keeper. We use this container often with clients whose cards are in need of a little organization. Searching for cards in a Rolling Stone bag  can be a time waster every time you need to find a card. Now Karen's cards are neatly labeled and organized...she is now living the good life!

Organized Holiday Decorating


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