Website Wednesday:

As a follow up to the blog yesterday on National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day, expanding on the  use of was the obvious choice. This website is great if you're just not sure how long to store certain foods, if they will freeze properly and how long they will last in the freezer. A detailed list of just about any type of food is covered. On the home page you just type in the food or beverage name, or you can select from a dozen categories below, everything from Dairy & Eggs to Herbs & Spices. Did you ever wonder how long to keep those spices handed down to you from your mother when you moved into your first apartment in 1989? Here are all the answers and it's a good gauge to have handy, not only when you clean out your refrigerator or freezer, but also when your organizing kitchen cabinets and pantry items. By the way, there's not a "holiday" for cleaning out those areas, but they too should be given a once over every now and again. It's amazing, when you do take the time to clear out your kitchen cabinets, you have a better idea of what you have, what you need and some recipe ideas will also come to mind.

Check out and keep your kitchen safe from unsafe food.


Website Wednesday: Gift List App


Today is National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day