Website Wednesday:

I recently upgraded my computers and learned that Quicken, the personal financial software I have used for years, is no longer supported by the new operating system on my computer--big drag! So on the advice of our fabulous technical guru Dan Saavedra of Betadac Media, I switched to If Dan says it's what I should do, I take his advice. He is always on top of the latest and greatest information in the world of technology. So I logged on at Mint, did I mention it was completely free? Then I downloaded all of my banking information which was very simple and voila—I was up and running on Mint. It automatically categorizes all spending, go to a gas station, it knows and puts the purchase into that category. You can also easily tweak the categories. It also generates budgets and helps you set goals that give you a good overview of your spending. I love that it's a cloud based system and I can use it on my mobile phone and just last week they announced their app for the iPad. All the most current, up to date financial information is available on all my devices immediately—I'm feeling more organized. I still haven't back logged everything for the year (you see, I'm not that organized), and I'm not sure if I'm going to split the year's report between Quicken and Mint, but I'll keep you posted and hopefully I will have figured it out before tax time!


Friday Favorite: Rolling Carts


What to do with all of that Halloween Candy Clutter