Friday Favorite: iPhone 4S

Today's Friday Favorite is on the much anticipated iPhone 4S. I’ve been using a second generation iPhone for a long time waiting to upgrade until this new one was announced. I’m not a big fan of having to rush out and buy new technology as soon as it’s available, but I must agree that the new iPhone 4S is pretty special.  

 The most notable new feature in the new phone is Siri, it’s truly a technology game changer. To be able to talk hundreds of different commands into the phone and it will do everything from scheduling events to setting an alarm to doing a web search. It quickly and seamlessly does what it’s told--amazing! (I wish my kids were so agreeable.) Siri is also really cool because I'm actually writing this blog post by talking into the phone rather than having to type. I am able to write things on the go, create a document, post and even print. 

 Another thing I love about the iPhone 4S is iCloud. The wireless integration through all  devices (including find my iPhone) is great, especially when you have several devices and need to keep them all in sync.

 I’ve only had this new phone for a few days and I can already see how the new technology helps me to stay organized and accomplish many tasks more efficiently. The funniest part has been watching my kids with “Siri”. They treat her like a person and ask her all these crazy questions, the responses she gives keep us all laughing. I really do believe that the iPhone is the ultimate gadget for helping to keep me organized.


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