Friday Favorite: Magazine File

Do you have piles of magazines your planning to read someday? Let's get realistic, how long have they been sitting there, and when was the last time you said, "hmmm, I have an extra hour to kill, I think I'm going to go down in the basement and read some old articles from National Geographic"? Well, if you haven't done that recently, the chances of you reading all of the material your saving are slim to none. So why not set some boundaries for yourself. Sit down and make a list of all the magazines and periodicals you're saving. Determine why you're keeping them. Are you really planning to read them? Do you think they will be a collectors item someday? Are you keeping them as keepsakes, article's you've written or something with sentimental value? Once you've made clear decisions about which magazines you can let go of and which ones you must keep, then determine their proximity. Do they need to be right at your fingertips, or can you archive them?If you subscribe to magazines, create a document with a list of your subscriptions and how many issues you'd like to keep. For example, if you receive Golf Digest, how many issues must you hang on to 3 months, 6 months, 1 year? Keep this list handy and then you'll have parameters on what you plan to keep. For the magazines and periodicals you do plan to keep, this Clear Magazine File is terrific to place on a bookshelf or somewhere handy—and it looks good too. It's made of a hard clear plastic and is very durable. If your a keeper of Magazine's, these will help to bring the chaos to order!


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