Website Wednesday: Google Flight Search

Since I'm always hearing about terrific new websites that can help to simplify our lives, I'm going to be sharing a different website every Wednesday. If you have any websites that you think our readers would find helpful (in our plight to be more organized and efficient of course), please feel free to send them to

Our premiere Wednesday Website site is the new and exciting Google Flights. When I'm planning a trip, I want to make sure I'm getting the best deal possible, but is that best deal worth searching hundreds of different websites and comparing them--not always. Now Google— search engine extraordinaire—has done this all for us! The site was just recently released (I did find a few snags), but I'm sure they're quickly working them out. Keep your eye on Google Flights, and if you have a trip you need to plan, definitely plug your destination and dates into their new site, hopefully it will save you countless hours of online searching. Here's the YouTube video explaining this cool new site:



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